The Conference of 2016 (April 26) took place in the Netherlands.
Despite of the “spring holiday” and Kings Day the day after, there was a fair participation. The host Vanderlande was a good host and is interesting as a company as well. Vanderlande is a very sophisticated and worldwide well known supplier of airport baggage systems and logistics automation. The Managing Director Systems of
Vanderlande, Mr. Leon Janssen opened this Conference. Then, briefly, the developments around the MTM Association Benelux were illustrated. Mr. Jos Valkenburg showed how the theory of the MTM-logistics course manual can be applied in practice. Under the title of “MTM-Logistics vs. practice,” this was explained based on 3 business examples and 3 small cases. Ms. Jorine Heling and Mr. Peter te Bearts presented, on behalf of Vanderlande, a fascinating application of MTM and ergonomics to the product to suit the wishes of the customer. In approach to the practice, to describe what the output and the needed man capacity will be. All under the impressive title “Operator performance: How productivity & ergonomics are enabling optimal utilisation of personnel in Automated Material Handling Systems.” As last speaker, Mr. Huub Biezemans gave us, under the title of “Sustainability, challenge or chance?,” insights about sustainability. What we still have to do, but also what we achieved already. We cannot escape it. What will also offer us (financial) opportunities for sure. This year there could be chosen out of 2 guided tours. The factory and the Innovation centre. Of course, the most chose for the factory tour. Finally, while enjoying a snack and drink, there was the possibility to talk on and for networking. All in all, we can look back at a meaningful MTM meeting again.